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Non-Surgical Facelifts

Experience the Artistry of Minimally Invasive Non-Surgical Facelifts

Discover the secret to a youthful and radiant appearance with our non-surgical facelift treatments. Say goodbye to the signs of ageing and embrace a revitalized, natural-looking glow. Our non-invasive procedures use advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to lift, tighten, and rejuvenate your skin without the need for surgery.

With no downtime and long-lasting results, our non-surgical facelift options offer a safe and effective solution to enhance your beauty and boost your confidence. Step into a new era of beauty and turn back the hands of time with our transformative treatments.

woman getting skin tightening

Skin Tightening

Experience the cutting-edge fusion of innovation and luxury with our revolutionary skin-tightening treatments using the dynamic duo of Agnes RF and Scarlet SRF.

The Agnes RF utilizes advanced radiofrequency technology to target and melt stubborn fat, revealing a more contoured and sculpted appearance.

Simultaneously, the Scarlet SRF takes centre stage, using radiofrequency micro-needling to resurface and retexturize your skin, minimizing fine lines, wrinkles, and scars, while promoting collagen production for firmer and smoother skin.

This harmonious combination delivers remarkable results, tightening your skin, reducing unwanted fat, and leaving you with a radiant and youthful glow. Embark on a transformative journey with our powerful machines, ensuring a harmonious blend of beauty and confidence that stands the test of time.

Benefits Of Skin Tightening

Embrace a youthful appearance, experience the magic of minimally invasive procedures, and witness the artistry of skin tightening in action. Check out the extraordinary benefits that await you, and embark on a journey to reveal your true radiance and timeless elegance.

  • Minimally Invasive

    Skin tightening treatments offer a non-surgical approach, avoiding incisions and reducing downtime. Advanced technologies like radiofrequency and laser promote collagen production, resulting in firmer and lifted skin.

  • Youthful Appearance

    By stimulating collagen and elastin production, skin tightening visibly reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. The result is a rejuvenated, youthful appearance that enhances self-confidence and promotes a radiant glow.

  • Targeted Fat Reduction

    Certain skin tightening techniques, like Agnes RF, can target and melt unwanted fat deposits, contouring and sculpting the treated areas for a more toned and defined silhouette.

  • Improved Skin Texture

    Treatments like Scarlet SRF resurface and retexturize the skin, reducing the appearance of scars, enlarged pores, and other imperfections, leaving the skin smoother and more even-toned.

  • Long-lasting Results

    The collagen regeneration stimulated by skin tightening procedures provides gradual, natural-looking improvements. With proper skincare and maintenance, the results can last for an extended period, making it a cost-effective and sustainable solution.

woman with glowing skin


  • Are non-surgical face lifts painful?

    Non-surgical face lifts at Shmily Aesthetics are designed to be comfortable and well-tolerated. While you may feel a mild warming sensation during the treatment, most clients report minimal discomfort. Our skilled professionals prioritize your comfort and adjust the settings to match your tolerance level. We also offer topical numbing creams to further enhance your experience. Rest assured, your safety and comfort are our top priorities throughout the entire process.

  • Can non-surgical face lifts be combined with other treatments?

    Yes, at Shmily Aesthetics, we offer personalized treatment plans that can include a combination of non-surgical face lifts with other cosmetic procedures. Depending on your unique goals and concerns, our experts may suggest complementary treatments like injectables, dermal fillers, or laser resurfacing to maximize results. By customizing your plan, we ensure that you receive the most effective and tailored approach, delivering exceptional and natural-looking outcomes.

  • Are non-surgical face lifts safe and suitable for everyone?

    Our team of experienced professionals at Shmily Aesthetics takes great care in evaluating your unique skin condition and cosmetic goals. We consider factors such as skin type, elasticity, and previous treatments to create a fully personalized approach. Rest assured, our commitment to safety and excellence means that you'll receive the most suitable and effective non-surgical face lift treatment, empowering you to feel confident in your rejuvenated appearance.

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woman smiling

Reveal Your Timeless Beauty

Transform your beauty journey with our non-surgical facelift treatments at Shmily Aesthetics. Experience the magic of advanced technologies, harmoniously combined to deliver remarkable results.  Our expert team prioritizes your comfort and safety, tailoring each treatment to your unique needs.

Embrace the artistry of non-invasive rejuvenation and step into a world of timeless elegance. Book your consultation today and embark on a transformative path to radiant confidence with our non-surgical facelifts.

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